Spread the Word!
Everyone should be able to see a doctor when they need to. Help make sure every former foster youth knows about the benefits of Medi-Cal coverage for former foster youth.
Here’s how you can help:
- Share our youth flyer and factsheet with your friends, family, colleagues, and former foster youth.
- When talking to young adults about health care, be sure to tell them that former foster youth qualify for free Medi-Cal coverage until age 26, regardless of income.
- Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and tell people about www.Coveredtil26.org on other social media sites.
- Encourage former foster youth to email [email protected] if they have more questions or are having problems signing up.
Here’s how Children Now can help:
www.coveredtil26.org: Visit this website to get youth-friendly information and outreach materials. Children Now will add information as it becomes available.
Trainings and Presentations: Email [email protected].
FAQs for youth leaving foster care after January 1, 2014: Share this one-pager with current foster youth and youth leaving foster care.
General youth flyer and factsheet: Share our youth flyer and factsheet with former foster youth and organizations in your community.
Spanish-language materials: Share our Spanish-language FAQs for youth leaving foster care, youth flyer and factsheet with young adults and organizations in your community.
County-specific youth flyers: Share the following county-specific flyers with former foster youth in your community. To request a flyer for your county, email [email protected].
- Alameda
- Alpine
- Butte
- Calaveras
- Contra Costa
- Del Norte
- El Dorado
- Fresno
- Humboldt
- Imperial
- Kern
- Los Angeles
- Madera
- Mariposa
- Mendocino
- Modoc
- Monterey
- Napa
- Nevada
- Orange
- Placer
- Riverside
- Sacramento
- San Bernardino
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Joaquin
- San Luis Obispo
- San Mateo
- Santa Barbara
- Santa Clara
- Santa Cruz
- Shasta
- Siskiyou
- Solano
- Sonoma
- Stanislaus
- Tulare
- Ventura
- Yolo